Track End Fender Adapter

The track-end fender adapter is admittedly a very niche product but there will no doubt be cyclists that will be in need of this product. As I mentioned before cycling trends are always changing and disciplines fall in and out of style. I believe the fixed gear trend is catching another wave of popularity due to the new race style Tracklocross, a combination of the fixed gear criterium and cyclocross. This has bred a new style of racing track bikes that are designed around traditional track geometry but with larger tire clearances. What happens when these riders grow tired of racing and or want to commute through the winter months on these very utilitarian style bikes that were never designed to accommodate full fenders? That’s where this adapter comes in handy. Made using a traditional steel chain tensioner with a small stainless steel fender eyelet welded on this will quickly make your tracklocross bike a super commuter. Future variations of this product with me CNC’d aluminum with integrated threaded eyelets and fun designs. These may also be useful for people wanting to install fenders on other single speed specific bikes that use the same style of rear entry drop out.

Consumer Segment: Tracklocross, Commuters, SSMTB, SSCX, Bike Messengers
Season: TBD
Price: FOB: $3.84 Retail: $10 (as design becomes more complex the price will increase.)